ADVAC Course Director

Kamel Senouci, Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva


Senior Scientific Advisors

Paul-Henri Lambert, Former Director of ADVAC, University of Geneva

Philippe Duclos, Former Director of ADVAC, University of Geneva



Arnaud Didierlaurent
Executive Director ADVAC 
Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva

Sandra Angèle
Fondation Mérieux

Martin Friede
World Health Organization

Edwin Asturias
Children's Hospital Colorado

Michael Makanga
European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership

Ananda Bandyopadhyay
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Nicaise Ndembi
Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention

Jakob Cramer
Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI)

Kathleen Neuzil 
Fogarty International Center at the National Institutes of Health

Sabrina Bacci
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)

Hanna Nohynek
Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland

Anna Durbin
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Naveen Thacker
International Pediatric Association

Emily Erbelding
National Institutes of Health

Melinda Wharton
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Adam Finn (ESPID representative)
University of Bristol



Criteria of participation as a Scientific Committee member

A member must comply with all three criteria below:

  1. Belongs to at least one of the following categories:
    • Founding member
    • Representative of an organizing institution (1 member per institution)
    • Representative of a co-sponsor organization (1 member per institution) nominated by his/her organization and endorsed by the Scientific Committee
    • Active coordination responsibilities during the ADVAC course.

  2. Scientific background and knowledge of vaccinology.

  3. Not directly employed by vaccine manufacturing companies.

The appointment of Scientific Committee members is personal and endorsed by the Scientific Committee prior to the appointment of the members on the Committee.

Representatives of co-sponsors are nominated by their organization and endorsed by the Scientific Committee prior to appointment of the members on the Committee.


Roles and responsibilities of a Scientific Committee member

  • Contributes to the elaboration of the program of the Course and the approval of the budget (Autumn meeting).
  • Contributes to the pre-selection of candidates through the scoring of at least one category of participants.
  • Contributes to the final selection of the candidates and of the Course preparation (January/early February meeting).
  • Contributes to the selection of the themes and the facilitation of the Alumni meetings (year-round).
  • Provides advice on key decisions concerning the Course (year-round) including funding or in-kind contributions, co-sponsors, and registrations fees.
  • Provides advice on the definition and adjustments of the ADVAC objectives.
The presence of SC members for at least one day of the ADVAC course is encouraged in order to have a real feel for the Course while engaging in networking activities with participants.